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July 2005 Regents’ Meeting

Thursday, July 21, 2005 - Regents Conference Room

Meeting Schedule

2:00 p.m.

Call to Order

  • President’s Opening Remarks
  • Introductory Comments - 2005-2006 Revenue and Expenditure Operating Budgets
  • 2005-2006 Operating Budgets - All Campuses
    • Ann Arbor Campus General Fund Operating Budget and Student Tuition and Fee Rates
    • Dearborn Campus General Fund Operating Budget and Student Tuition and Fee Rates
    • Flint Campus General Fund Operating Budget and Student Tuition and Fee Rates
  • 2005-2006 Fee Assessments for Michigan Student Assembly, Student Legal Services, and School/College Governments
  • FY 2006 University Health Service Fee
  • FY 2006 University Health System Operating Budget
  • FY 2006 Athletic Department Budget
  • Regents’ Committee Reports
    • Finance, Audit and Invesetment Committee
    • Personnel, Compensation and Governance Committee
  • Regular Business Agenda

4:00 p.m.

Public Comments

Regular Business Agenda*


  1. Approval of Minutes of June 16, 2005 Meeting


  1. Investment Report
  2. Plant Extension Report
  3. Regents’ Report on Non-Competitive Purchases over $5,000 from Single Sources, March 15, 2005 through June 15, 2005
  4. Human Resources and Affirmative Action Report
  5. Litigation Report
  6. Research Report
  7. Other Reports (no documents)
    • University of Michigan Health System
    • Division of Student Affairs
    • Dearborn Campus
    • Flint Campus
  8. Faculty Governance Update
  9. Michigan Student Assembly Report(no documents)


  1. The Voluntary Support report for June, July, and August 2005 will be submitted at the September meeting.


  1. July 2005 Personnel Actions


  1. Reports of regular instructional transactions


  1. Adoption of retirement memoirs for:

    Claudia R. Collin, Ph.D., assistant professor of education at UM-Dearborn

    Robert H. Hayashi, M.D., J. Robert Willson Collegiate Professor of Obstetrics and professor of obstetrics and gynecology

    Lawrence A. Hirschfeld, Ph.D., professor of anthropology, professor of psychology, and faculty associate

    Richard A. Johnson, D.D.S., clinical professor of dentistry

    Lysle E. Johnston, Jr., D.D.S., professor of dentistry

    Theodore Morrison, associate professor of conducting

    Mary E. Periard, Ph.D., director of nursing and associate professor of nursing at UM-Flint

    Henry N. Pollack, Ph.D., professor of geological sciences

    Nancy E. Reame, Ph.D., Rhetaugh Graves Dumas Professor of Nursing, professor of nursing, and research professor

    Robert A. Wolfe, Ph.D., professor of biostatistics


  1. No deaths of active faculty reported this month.


  1. August 2005 Doctoral Degree List
  2. Final Degree lists for Spring 2005 Commencements
  3. Changes to previously approved degree lists


  1. University Real Estate Policy: Annual Report on Leases Exceeding 50,000 square feet
  2. Alternative Asset Committment (Merit Energy Company)
  3. Alternative Asset Committments (CP Investment Fund II, L.P; Rockwood Capital Real Estate Partners Fund VI, L.P.; SSC II, L.P.)
  4. Alternative Asset Committment (Garnett & Helfrich Capital,L.P.)
  5. Alternative Asset Committment (Claremont Creek Ventures, L.P.)
  6. Absolute Return Committment (PrivatVarde FUnd, L.P.)
  7. Alternative Asset Committment (Embarcadero Capital Investors Two, L.P.)
  8. Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library - North and South Emergency Power Upgrade
  9. Student Activities Building Renovation
  10. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers (UMHHC) Canton Health Center Infusion Treatment and Computed Tomography (CT) Services Leasehold Improvements
  11. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers (UMHHC) Family Medicine Reloation to Domino’s Farms Leasehold Improvements
  12. University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers (UMHHC) Eye Center Expansion Project
  13. Purchasing Contract with Wright Medical Technology
  14. Purchasing Contract with Monoky & Associates
  15. Purchasing Contract with Valley View Farm
  16. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Avidimer Therapeutics, Inc.
  17. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Pipex, Inc.
  18. Research Agreement between the University of Michigan and Cyclos Semiconductor, Inc.
  19. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and POM Group, Inc.
  20. Amendment to License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Discera, Inc.
  21. Option Agreement between the University of Michigan and Vortex Hydro Energy LLC


  1. Henry Russel Lecturer for 2006
  2. Henry Russel Awards for 2006
  3. Revision of SPG 201.65-1: Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment
  4. Establishment of Delores S. and William K. Brehm Center for Type I Diabetes Research and Analysis
  5. Michigan Health Corporation (MHC) Annual Business Plan
  6. Regents’ Meeting Schedule for 2006
  7. New Degree Program for University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (“Bachelor of Arts degree in Women’s and Gender Studies”)
  8. University of Michigan-Dearborn Bylaws
  9. 2005-2006 Revenue and Expenditure Operating Budgets
  10. Proposed Ann Arbor FY 2005-06 General Fund Operating Budget
  11. Proposed Ann Arbor FY 2005-06 Student Tuition and Fee Rates
  12. Proposed Dearborn Campus FY 2005-06 General Fund Operating Budget
  13. Proposed Dearborn Campus FY 2005-06 Student Tuition and Fee Rates
  14. Proposed Flint Campus FY 2005-06 General Fund Operating Budget
  15. Proposed Flint Campus FY 2005-06 Student Tuition and Fee Rates
  16. 2005-2006 Fee Assessments for Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), Student Legal Services (SLS), and School/College Governments
  17. Proposed FY 2006 University Health Service Fee
  18. Proposed FY 2006 University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers Operating Budget
  19. FY 2006 Athletic Department Operating Budget
  20. Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) Finance Report

*The agenda and the items linked to from this page are an unofficial version of this month’s Regents’ Meeting Agenda. The official and authoritative version of the agenda is kept on file in the Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University.