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September 2010 Regents’ Meeting

Thursday, September 16, 2010 - Regents’ Room

Meeting Schedule

3 p.m.

Call to Order

  • President’s Opening Remarks
  • Presentation: “Institute for Social Research at 60”
  • Regents’ Committee Reports
    • Finance, Audit and Investment Committee
    • Personnel, Compensation and Governance Committee
    • Health Affairs Committee
  • Regular Business Agenda


  1. Approval of July 15, 2010 Minutes


  1. Investment Report
  2. Plant Extension Report
  3. University Human Resources Report
  4. Litigation Report
  5. Research Report
  6. Other Reports (no documents)
    • University of Michigan Health System
    • Division of Student Affairs
    • Dearborn Campus
    • Flint Campus
  7. Faculty Governance Update
  8. Michigan Student Assembly Report


  1. Report on Voluntary Support, June 30, 2010
  2. Report on Voluntary Support, July 31, 2010
  3. Report on Voluntary Support, August 31, 2010


  1. September 2010 Personnel Actions
  2. Committee Appointments


  1. Reports of Lecturers’ Employee Organization (LEO) Activity
  2. Reports of regular instructional transactions


  1. Adoption of retirement memoirs for Steven C. Althoen, Ph.D., professor of mathematics education, University of Michigan-Flint; Caroline E. Blane, M.D., C.M., professor of radiology; Robert N. Hensinger, M.D., William S. Smith Collegiate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and professor of orthopaedic surgery; James A. Kulik, Ph.D., director and research scientist; Simon P. Levine, Ph.D., professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation and associate professor of biomedical engineering; N. Harris McClamroch, Ph.D., professor of aerospace engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science; Shirley Verrett, James Earl Jones Distinguished University Professor of Music and professor of music (voice)


  1. Adoption of memorial statement for Douglas J. Krupka, Ph.D., assistant research scientist and adjunct lecturer.


  1. There are no actions with respect to degrees this month.


  1. University of Michigan financial statements for the year-ended June 30, 2010
  2. FY 2010-2011 All Campus Budget Book
  3. Report of University Internal Audits, May and June 2010
  4. Public Equity
  5. Auxiliary Services Building Renovations for School of Art and Design
  6. Michigan Memorial Phoenix Laboratory Addition and Second Floor Renovation
  7. South Quadrangle Elevator Replacement
  8. Michigan Stadium Permanent Field Lights
  9. Agreement with Logical Images, Inc.
  10. Approval of purchase from Accuri Cytometers, Inc.
  11. Approval of payment to Jazz Pie Music
  12. Approval of payments to Sherm’s Musical Instrument Repair
  13. Approval of payment to Sakti3, Inc.
  14. Authorization to purchase artwork from artists James A. Cogswell Jr., Joel L. Cressman, Wendel W. Heers, William A. Lewis, Kathleen McShane Bolton, Janice C. Paul, Elvedin Poskovic, Matthew D. Shlian, and Edward West
  15. Approval to extend agreement with Productivity Improvement LLC
  16. Option Agreement between the University of Michigan and Structured Microsystems
  17. Research Agreeement between the University of Michigan and Sakai Foundation
  18. Patent Option Agreement between the University of Michigan and Nico Technologies, Inc.
  19. Amendment to License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Lycera, Inc.
  20. Subcontract Agreement between the University of Michigan and Rehabilitation Team Assessments, LLC
  21. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Hearing Health Science, Inc.
  22. Patent License Agreement between the University of Michigan and 3D Biomatrix, LLC


  1. New Degree Program for College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Michigan-Dearborn (“Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering”)
  2. New Degree Program for School of Education, University of Michigan-Dearborn (“Education Specialist Degree”)

*The agenda and the items linked from this page are an unofficial version of this month’s Regents’ Meeting Agenda. The official and authoritative version of the agenda is kept on file in the Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University.