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January 2005 Regents’ Meeting

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - Regents Conference Room

Meeting Schedule

8:00 a.m.

Call to Order

  • Regents’ Resolutions
  • North Quad Residential and Academic Complex
  • Public Comments - North Quad Residential and Academic Complex

10:00 a.m.


3:45 p.m.

Resume Meeting

Call to Order

  • President’s Opening Remarks
  • Regents’ Committee Reports
    • Finance, Audit and Invesetment Committee
    • Compensation and Personnel Committee
  • Regular Business Agenda

4:15 p.m.

Public Comments

Regular Business Agenda


  1. Approval of Minutes of December 16, 2004 Meeting


  1. Investment Report
  2. Plant Extension Report
  3. Regents Report on Noncompetitive Purchases over $5,000 from Single Sources, September 16, 2004 through December 15, 2004
  4. Human Resources and Affirmative Action Report
  5. Litigation Report
  6. Research Report
    • Projects Established, December 1 - December 31, 2004
  7. Other Reports (no documents)
    • University of Michigan Health System
    • Division of Student Affairs
    • Dearborn Campus
    • Flint Campus
  8. Faculty Governance Update
  9. Michigan Student Assembly Report


  1. “Michigan Difference” Campaign Update
  2. Report on Voluntary Support, December 31, 2004


  1. Recommendations for approval of new appointments and promotions for regular associate and full professor ranks, with tenure
  2. Recommendations for approval of new appointments and promotions for regular associate and full professor ranks, without tenure
  3. Recommendations for approval of reappointments of regular instructional staff and selected administrative staff
  4. Recommendations for approval of joint appointments or transfers of regular associate or full professors and selected administrative staff
  5. Establishing and renaming professorships and selected academic administrative positions
  6. Recommendations for approval of other personnel transactions for regular instructional staff and selected academic administrative staff


  1. Reports of regular instructional transactions


  1. Adoption of retirement memoirs for:

    Roy A. Glover, Ph.D., associate professor of cell and developmental biology

    Stevo Julius, M.D., Sc.D., Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of Hypertension, professor of internal medicine, and professor of molecular and integrative physiology

    B. Joseph White, Ph.D., Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Leadership in Management Education, professor of business administration, and former dean of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business


  1. No deaths of active faculty were reported this month.


  1. There are no actions with respect to degrees this month.


  1. Alternative Asset Committment (Lime Rock Partners III, L.P.)
  2. Alternative Asset Committment (Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers XI, L.P.)
  3. Alternative Asset Committment (Greenfield Acquisition Partners IV, L.P. and BPG Investment Partnership VII, L.P.)
  4. Alternative Asset Committments (Thor Urban Property Fund)
  5. Alternative Asset Committment (Lime Rock Partners II, L.P.)
  6. Ann Street Parking Structure
  7. C.C. Little Building Renovation of First Floor Teaching Laboratories
  8. UMHHC Cardiovascular Center Project - Phase I Bed Shell Expansion Project
  9. Approval of Payment for Beech Stave Press, Inc.
  10. Research Agreement between the University of Michigan and Ascenta, Inc.
  11. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Accuri Instruments
  12. Subcontract Agreement between the University of Michigan and Powerix Technologies, LLC
  13. License Agreement between the University of Michigan and Molecular Therapeutics


  1. There are no documents in this section this month.