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Chapter II

Sec. 2.01. The President (Revised February 2025)

In addition to the duties and functions otherwise provided for in these bylaws, the president of the university will exercise such general powers not inconsistent with the applicable laws of the state of Michigan and these bylaws as are inherent in a chief executive; including, without limitation, general oversight of the teaching and research programs; the libraries, museums, and other supporting services; the general welfare of the faculty and supporting staff; the business and financial welfare of the university; and the maintenance of health, diligence, and order among the students.

The president is and will always be a member of the University Senate and of each of the governing faculties of the university.

The president, the chancellors of the university at Dearborn and at Flint, and the vice presidents constitute the executive officers of the university.

All executive officers of the university will perform their duties under the general direction of the president. (See also Sec. 1.06.)

In addition to the vice presidents who serve as executive officers of the University, the president may appoint individuals to non-executive officer positions bearing the title “vice president.” These appointees will report directly to an executive officer, or may report to the president. Such vice presidents are not considered executive officers and, there/ ore, do not possess the privileges, authority, responsibilities, or requirements designated for executive officers. To maintain clarity and distinction between roles, no non-executive officer vice president shall bear the same full title as an executive officer vice president.

Sec. 2.02. The University of Michigan-Dearborn: The Chancellor

The chancellor of the University of Michigan-Dearborn will be appointed on recommendation of the president and, subject to the general direction of the president, will serve as the chief executive officer of the University of Michigan-Dearborn in all educational, service, and supporting activities of the campus, including general oversight of the teaching and research programs; the libraries and other supporting services; the general welfare of the faculty and supporting staff; the business and financial welfare of the campus; and the maintenance of health, diligence, and order among the students. The chancellor will meet with the board.

Sec. 2.03. The University of Michigan-Flint: The Chancellor

The chancellor of the University of Michigan-Flint will be appointed on recommendation of the president and, subject to the general direction of the president, will serve as the chief executive officer of the University of Michigan-Flint in all educational, service, and supporting activities of the campus, including general oversight of the teaching and research programs; the libraries and other supporting services; the general welfare of the faculty and supporting staff; the business and financial welfare of the campus; and the maintenance of health, diligence, and order among the students. The chancellor will meet with the board.

Sec. 2.04. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs (revised July 2016)

The provost and executive vice president for academic affairs will be the chief academic and budget officer for the Ann Arbor campus of the University of Michigan. In this capacity, the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs will exercise executive responsibility for the Ann Arbor campus educational programs and supporting activities.

The following positions will report directly to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs: the deans of the schools and colleges, the director of the Institute for Social Research, the university librarian and dean of libraries, the director of the Museum of Art, and other administrative offices as determined by the president. In the EVPMA/Dean’s capacity as dean of the University of Michigan Medical School, he or she will report to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

The provost and executive vice president for academic affairs will be a member, without vote, of each of the governing faculties. The provost and executive vice president for academic affairs will recommend faculty appointments, promotions and tenure actions to the president for action by the Board of Regents.

Sec. 2.05. The Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

The executive vice president and chief financial officer is the chief financial officer of the university. Except as may be otherwise specifically provided, the executive vice president and chief financial officer will have general supervision of the finances, property, and business of the university. The executive vice president and chief financial officer will be the chief advisor of the president on financial matters. (See also Sec. 3.01.)

Sec. 2.06. The Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean of the University of Michigan Medical School (revised July 2016)

The executive vice president for medical affairs and dean of the University of Michigan Medical School (the EVPMA/Dean) serves as the chief executive officer of the entire academic medical center (AMC), which consists of the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS) and the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS). The EVPMA/Dean is the chief executive officer of the UMHS which consists of the University of Michigan Hospitals (UMH), the University of Michigan Medical Group (UMMG), and Michigan Health Corporation (MHC) as well as all other University subsidiaries and affiliates that promote the mission of the clinical enterprise.
The EVPMA/Dean will have responsibility for implementing a vision for the AMC that will enhance the University’s leadership in biomedical education, research, and patient care.

The EVPMA/Dean will have responsibility for salary approvals, strategic and business planning, direction of clinical delivery systems, and management support services; overall management of patient care and establishment of the AMC planning, objectives and goals for the AMC; development of capital and operating budgets which maintain the financial strength of the AMC; and managing relationships with affiliated organizations. The EVPMA/Dean will have the authority, up to the threshold amounts established by the president, to execute contracts and to approve expenditures not in the approved annual operating budget. The EVPMA/Dean may delegate in writing to designated representatives authority to execute contracts relating to the AMC.

The EVPMA/Dean will recommend faculty appointments, promotions and tenure actions for the UMMS to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

In collaboration with the vice president for research, the EVPMA/Dean is charged with charting a strategic course for the University’s biomedical research enterprise and enabling its faculty to pursue high impact science and discovery.

The EVPMA/Dean reports to the president; provided, however, as provided in Section 2.04, the EVPMA/Dean, in his or her capacity as dean of the UMMS, reports to the provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.

Sec. 2.07. The Vice President for Government Relations

The vice president for government relations will be the senior officer in charge of planning, coordinating, and supervising the university’s liaison activities with local, state, and federal governments in all areas other than research.

The vice president for government relations will be the university’s contact with the State Board of Education.

Sec. 2.075. The Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (added September 2018)

The vice president for information technology and chief information officer (VPIT-CIO) will oversee an integrated information technology strategy for the university. The VPIT-CIO will be responsible for coordinating and leveraging information technology leadership across the institution and ensuring that information strategy is appropriately considered in decision making and planning for the university. The VPIT-CIO will advise on matters of information strategy, security and investment.

Sec. 2.08. The Vice President for Research (revised July 2016)

The vice president for research will exercise general executive responsibility for the research programs of the University and will assist and advise the president and the board in all matters pertaining to the research programs and activities of the University.

The vice president for research will exercise executive responsibility for the review of recommendations of the deans, directors, or other heads of schools, colleges, and other educational and research units with respect to research proposals, research budgets, and appointment of personnel under research budgets.

The vice president for research will be responsible for maintaining appropriate liaisons between the University and foundations, governmental agencies, and other organizations providing financial support for University research. The vice president for research will advise and assist University staff members in approaches to outside agencies for research funds, and the vice president for research will be advised of all such approaches made by staff members on behalf of the University.

The foregoing provisions of this Section 2.08 notwithstanding, as to the research programs of the AMC and the UMMS in particular, the EVPMA/Dean will collaborate with the vice president for research but the EVPMA/Dean will be primarily responsible for exercising the responsibilities described above and will directly assist and advise the president and the board on those matters in collaboration with the vice president for research, unless otherwise directed by the president or the board.

Sec. 2.09. The Vice President for Development

The vice president for development will be responsible for creating and sustaining relationships among the university, its alumni and the people and institutions of the State of Michigan and elsewhere to obtain private support of the institution; for events to support the university’s development activities; for maintaining donor and alumni information; and for the administration of the university’s development programs as directed by the president.

Sec. 2.10. The Vice President for Student Life (revised February 2014)

The vice president for student life will be the chief administrative officer of Student Life; will designate heads of the various units of Student Life; and will advise the board, the president, the governing faculties, and other appropriate agencies concerning student affairs and student services in general.

Sec. 2.11. The Vice President and Secretary of the University

Under the direction of the president, the vice president and secretary of the university will coordinate the business affairs of the board and facilitate effective communication between the members of the board and the executive officers.

The vice president and secretary of the university will be responsible to the board, and will perform such functions as may be necessary for the proper and legal exercise of the board’s authority. The vice president and secretary of the university will duly execute for and on behalf of the Regents of the University of Michigan or the University of Michigan such instruments and documents which would devolve to a corporate officer and would be usual to that office.

The vice president and secretary of the university will be the official custodian of the minutes and all supporting documents of the Board of Regents and of the Seal of the University of Michigan . The vice president and secretary of the university will, in consultation with the vice president and general counsel, determine the appropriateness of the use of the seal by parties within and outside the university.

The vice president and secretary of the university will perform such other duties as the board or the president may assign. (See also Sec. 1.06.)

Sec. 2.12. The Vice President and General Counsel

Under the direction of the board and the president, the vice president and general counsel will conduct the legal affairs of and provide legal advice and representation for the university. When necessary and appropriate, the vice president and general counsel will contract for and manage outside legal services.

Sec. 2.13. The Vice President for Communications (revised October 2016)

The vice president for communications will be responsible for enhancing the University’s reputation and visibility locally, nationally, and internationally, and will work to position and differentiate the University of Michigan among leading institutions of higher education. The vice president for communications will oversee freedom of information inquiries, executive communications, marketing and design, media relations and public affairs, and the news and broadcasting services.

The vice president for communications will serve as the University’s chief communications officer and will work with the Board of Regents and executive officers to set University policy on matters of communications and marketing, develop and implement strategic communications plans, and provide leadership in expanding the University’s digital communications and social media engagement.

Sec. 2.14. Appointments

All officers, faculty members, and employees of the university hold their positions by appointment by the board or by authority conferred by the board. Unless otherwise specifically provided by the board, all appointments by the board will be made upon recommendation by the president. The board may also, by specific action, relieve the president of reporting new appointees in certain select categories of employees. (See also Sections 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.22, and 5.23.)

Sec. 2.15. Oath of Office

Each employee of the state of Michigan and its agencies is required by law to subscribe to the following constitutional oath of office before beginning his or her duties: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Michigan, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my position and subsequent positions according to the best of my ability.

Sec. 2.16. Gifts to Regents and University Employees

No regent or university employee will accept any gift of substantial value from any student, or any person having business relations with the university, or anyone else based upon the regent’s or employee’s position at the university.

Sec. 2.17. The Powers and Duties of the Officers and Committees

The powers and duties of the officers and committees conferred upon them by the provisions of existing bylaws will be in addition to the powers and duties conferred upon them by the provisions of this Chapter II.

Any existing bylaw which is inconsistent with the provisions of this Chapter II is hereby expressly repealed.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding the bylaws section of our website, please email them to Erin Katz.